One day you'll wake up, and you won't have time to do the things you've always wanted to do.
Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
And to all those who think:
I tell them: Wrong, you won't be able to do that in your old age. Speaking from my own experience.
If I have one regret, it's that I started traveling too late in life and listened too much to people who had no life experience!
If I had had the knowledge I have today, I would have left Germany at the age of 18 and only traveled!
All trips cancelled until further notice !
I won't be able to travel for the next years due to my mother's and brother's health problems...
Travelling will have to wait, I only have my mother and brother left...
My moms & brother's health is getting worse and worse!
Dementia has now struck my mother, who is 89 years old.
It's not only very difficult for me to take care of them properly.
It's also very, very stressful, and it's starting to eat away at me.
I haven't slept through the night for many months, either my brother wakes me up or my mother. I don't know how much longer this will be good for my own health...
And going out, even for just a few hours, is out of question!
Luckily I have hobbies, like ham radio & microscopy, to keep me busy while I look after them.
I can tell you:
An expedition, no matter how difficult it may be, is easier to complete than taking care of your seriously ill loved one...
I miss traveling a lot.
And I get really frustrated from time to time...
What really gets me is the social pressure and lack of understanding from people here.
It seems to me that they have no idea how tense and stressful my situation is.
Everything is so different from what I am used to from Alaska or Canada.
Instead of helping you, or at least showing you understanding, people here put obstacles in your way whenever they can, and contempt is never far away...
They really took a lot off my brother's leg, but it's still better than dying...
He is in a good mood and feels much better now, even though he is still in pain after the amputation.
I am so happy that he came to the hospital in Recklinghausen.
The medical team in Dortmund and Datteln have let him down and if it had been up to them he would have been allowed to die at home!
Thanks again to the medical team and the nurses and carers in Recklinghausen for everything!
Today my brother was unfortunately taken to an isolation ward. He has diarrhea, but they said it was purely as a precaution ...
I hope he hasn't caught any of those hospital germs!
Let's hope for the best!
20:44 GMT
Damn my brother is a real fighter, well ex German Navy... 😉
He went straight back from the recovery room to the normal station, he didn't have to go to the intensive care unit, the amputation has gone very well so far!
I'm so relieved, I'm going to visit him tomorrow, I'm really looking forward to holding him again!
Thanks for keeping your fingers crossed and your prayers!
I would like to thank all the doctors and the rest of the staff for a job well done!
I am very, very grateful!
14.02 2025
My brother has just gone into surgery after all!
I hope he will survive...
Keep your fingers crossed!
Very bad news!
I have just come from the hospital and spoke to a very nice anesthetist. The conversation was very informative and very open!
The doctor thinks that the chances of my brother waking up from the anesthetic are very, very bad!
Tomorrow morning he will decide with the surgeons and the senior doctor whether they will operate at all...
If not, he may have 1–2 weeks to live ...
He can go than into a hospice or home.
Of course, if - he goes home, he will die in peace in the presence of my mother and me, I promised him that.
I knew it could happen, but it's quite another thing to know for sure!
I'm quite beside myself now ...
I am still of the opinion that the operation should have happened weeks ago in the hospital in Dortmund, or at the latest in Datteln...
Some good news and some bad news!
I've just come from the hospital in Recklinghausen.
They are going to amputate my brother's leg. It's not a nice thing to do of course, but it's the only way to save his life.
Why this wasn't decided weeks ago in the other hospitals is really beyond me. You can see how numb our surgeons are sometimes. And how little a human life is worth to them!
But karma is a bitch, everything bad comes back sometime and I hope it comes back very soon for those responsible!
Now I hope that my brother will survive the operation well ...
My brother has now been transferred from the hospital St. Vincenz in Datteln to the hospital Elisabeth in Recklinghausen.
But only because of our family doctor!
St. Vincent wanted to discharge him home, they did absolutely nothingto his leg!
Let's hope that something will finally be done in Recklinghausen so that my brother doesn't lose his leg or even his life...
It is incomprehensible to me how two hospitals (Dortmund & Datteln) have done absolutely nothing to save my brother's leg!
Once again, I would like to thank our Family Doctor, Dr. Mikolajewski and his team for their tireless efforts in helping my brother!
As I feared, my brother will be discharged from hospital in Datteln tomorrow and will return home! Despite the wounds and the dead toes.
It's hard to believe, but that's the way it is here in Germany!
A human life is no longer worth much!
But our family doctor has done it again, the man is amazing!
My brother is now going directly from Datteln to the Elisabeth Hospital in Recklinghausen tomorrow, to the vascular surgery department.
Let's see if they finally do something!
I've just come from my brother's hospital
(St Vincenz Datteln).
The nurses there are taking very good care of my brother, he is already looking well again, his face colour has returned and he is responsive.
Of course he is in pain when his leg dies, but even then they make sure he feels better straight away and he is in a very nice single room!
Now I hope that the doctors there show the same professionalism as the nurses...
I don't think they will decide what to do with him until Monday anyway!
A big thank you to the nurses there!
My brother is finally in hospital in Datteln.
The family doctor had been pulling all the strings...
Let's hope for the best!
My brother is getting worse and worse, now his third toe is dead too...
We can't get a place in hospital, our family doctor is trying everything.
It's hard to believe, and I'm getting angrier and angrier....
Everyone just wants to deport him to the state hospice!
The surgeons just don't want him to die during their operation, it's that simple now...
So this is the thank you to my brother, who served his country for a long time in the German navy?
They let him rot alive to save money, but spend billions in a war that never ends?
My brother came home today. The doctors at the clinic have given up on him. The family doctor is trying to persuade the local hospital to admit him there. It's difficult because, as I said, the clinic in Dortmund has given up on him! According to our GP, the chances are 50:50 that he will survive the next 2 weeks...
Now in Germany it's like in the USA, if you don't have private insurance and no money, you're left to die...
Believe me, I am so infinitely angry at all this German bullshit ....
Sorry for the drastic images! |
There is good news and bad news...
For the time being, my brother will not have an amputation! He is too weak and the wounds on his foot are not oozing.
They told me very dryly that his time to die has probably come...
Of course, he will come home to us, I won't give up and will take care of him until the bitter end, he should die at home in peace, with my mother and me on his side ...
I can tell you, I'm so dead inside that I can't even cry. I am so tired from all the fighting against the system here that I have almost no feeling in my body anymore ...
Very bad news!
I've just come back from the Hospital in Dortmund, my brother may have to have his right leg amputated...
Two toes are already dead, and the doctors there are afraid that he will lose his leg because he has no proper blood circulation in his right leg...
I hope for the best that it might turn out in the next week that his leg can be saved, but I also think that the chances are very slim ...
Life really isn't fair sometimes!
I hope you all started the new year in good health!
I had hoped that things would change for the better this year, but the health of my mother and brother has deteriorated further and the amount of care required has increased enormously!
Not only that, but I'm unlikely to find time to rebuild my expedition recumbent in the near future!
And since I'm in Germany and not in the Yukon or Alaska,
help from others is a foreign word
here in Germany ...
In AK or the Yukon, my recumbent would have been finished months ago ...
But as I always say:
The Veltop arrived today and of course I installed it immediately !
My new box is nice, but not as big as I want...
It might be possible for me to have a box made exactly to the dimensions of my recumbent.
Someone in Northern Germany could build me one out of sandwich material, if that works, it would be absolutely great!
I would be able to use the full potential of the box volume!
Best mom in the world!
Happy 89th birthday!
Today she had a very good day, she noticed everything, and it was a nice break from her dementia, I wish it was always like this...
It is only our family doctor who is a real blessing, he does everything in his power to help my mother & brother to make their life a little better!
NWT Expedition
Film Project
ARTE / WDR 2008
Directed by:
Ralf Breier
Chris Breier & Klaus Sturm
Chris Breier
The more I learned about people, the more I like my dog.
I have studied the traits and dispositions of the “lower animals” (so called) and contrasted them with the traits and dispositions of man.
I find the result humiliating…
— Mark Twain, very well said, and I totally agree !
My dog Trixi , best travel companion!
"I don't hate people. I just feel better when they're not around."
Continue with:
Only those who risk going too far will discover how far they can go!
Expeditions by kayak, motorboat, catamaran, motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle, bicycle in the USA, Alaska & Canada, Scandinavia…